Irish Landscape Photographer • High Quality A3 Prints • Free International Delivery

• Irish Landscape and Wildlife Photography

• High Quality A3 Prints

• Free International Delivery

Based in Schull, West Cork, Barry has been developing his skills as an Irish Landscape Photographer over a period of more than fifty years. As a young man, Barry enjoyed cycling around Ireland, and staying in youth hostels – literally – from Cork to Donegal! The beauty of both the Irish landscape and the many animals that abound around Ireland encouraged him to try his hand at photography.

Here you will find a selection of my Irish landscape and wildlife photography prints for sale. Taken across the island of Ireland, these high quality A3 photography prints are great gifts, souvenirs or artwork for your own home. Free international delivery is included with every order.

The Gearagh Twighlight Reeds

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D Irl 13023: (Gearagh)

Near Macroom the expanse of water that is The Gearagh covers more than 300 acres. The waters of The Grearagh are harvested for the benefit of the hydroelectric station at Inniscarra, downstream on the River Lee’s winding journey from Gougane Barra to Cork Harbour. Some old woodland had to be chopped down in advance of the creation of the present-day Gearagh, with the result that – at certain times – old tree stumps appear out of the base of the lake. Many interesting and colourful birds and animals make The Gearagh their safe and natural habitat.

On a tranquil evening in summer it is possible to become enchanted by the wonderful show of colour, light and shade that Mother Nature provides.

A3 sized print. Postage and packing included.

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