Robin at Coosheen, Schull

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D Irl 5251 E; Robin at Coosheen, Schull

Schull is located on the southwest coast of Ireland in West Cork. Tthe town is dominated by Mount Gabriel (407 m). It has a sheltered harbour, used for recreational boating. The area, on the peninsula leading to Mizen Head, is a tourist destination.The town's secondary school, Schull Community College, houses one of the only planetariums in Ireland, along with a sailing school. Each year Schull harbour hosts the Fastnet International Schools Regatta.

In the early 17th century, the nearby townland of Leamcon was a pirate stronghold, at a time when pirates traded easily in nearby Baltimore and Whiddy Island. There is a ferry service between Schull and Cape Clear Island. (Source; Wikipedia)

We lived in Coosheen, Schull for a number of years, and very much enjoyed the contact with Nature. A regular visitor to the tree directly in front of our kitchen window was Mr. Robin. A very determined forager, he was always sure of a tasty morsel from the residents.

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